Wikivoyage:Hanul călătorilor
Bine ați venit la Hanul călătorilor! Hanul călătorilor este locul unde puteți pune întrebări atunci când vă simțiți confuz, obosit, iritat sau doriți să ajutați ori să propuneți ceva legat de acest proiect. Pentru a putea începe un subiect nou, dați clic pe butonul „Inițiați o nouă discuție” (în partea dreaptă, sub poză). Acesta va adauga automat mesajul dumneavoastră în partea de jos a paginii. Vă rugăm să vă semnați comentariul prin adăugarea la final a patru tilde (~~~~). Mulțumim.
Universal Code of Conduct annual review: provide your comments on the UCoC and Enforcement Guidelines
[modificare]My apologies for writing in English. Please help translate to your language.
I am writing to you to let you know the annual review period for the Universal Code of Conduct and Enforcement Guidelines is open now. You can make suggestions for changes through 3 February 2025. This is the first step of several to be taken for the annual review. Read more information and find a conversation to join on the UCoC page on Meta.
The Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) is a global group dedicated to providing an equitable and consistent implementation of the UCoC. This annual review was planned and implemented by the U4C. For more information and the responsibilities of the U4C, you may review the U4C Charter.
Please share this information with other members in your community wherever else might be appropriate.
-- In cooperation with the U4C, Keegan (WMF) (talk) 24 ianuarie 2025 03:12 (EET)
Reminder: first part of the annual UCoC review closes soon
[modificare]My apologies for writing in English. Please help translate to your language.
This is a reminder that the first phase of the annual review period for the Universal Code of Conduct and Enforcement Guidelines will be closing soon. You can make suggestions for changes through the end of day, 3 February 2025. This is the first step of several to be taken for the annual review. Read more information and find a conversation to join on the UCoC page on Meta. After review of the feedback, proposals for updated text will be published on Meta in March for another round of community review.
Please share this information with other members in your community wherever else might be appropriate.
-- In cooperation with the U4C, Keegan (WMF) (talk) 3 februarie 2025 02:49 (EET)